CPC is a new church which began with a few a young people meeting in a living room. By God’s grace, we’ve grown to be a congregation of 90 people.
The main starting point for most people is the Sunday morning worship service. It is held at 10:00am at William B. Gibbs Jr. Elementary School in Germantown.
When you enter the lobby, you'll be greeted by two people at the welcome table and be given a worship guide. Once you've received your worship guide, please proceed down the hallway and follow signs for the worship service.
What is the style of worship? The central aspect of our worship service is a re-telling of the gospel — the glory of God, our brokenness and need for redemption, and the grace of God manifested in Jesus Christ who redeems us. The service is designed to be contemplative and to follow historic forms of worship.
Where will my children worship? A nursery is provided during the worship service for infants six months to three years of age; it is staffed by our nursery supervisor and two paid staff workers. Children ages four through fifth grade are then invited to classes tailored to their ages prior to the sermon.