Children’s Ministry

The Children’s Ministry (called Covenant Kids) takes place every Sunday simultaneously with the worship service. A nursery is fully staffed for children ages 6 months to 3 years old. It is open from 9:45am to 11:45pm. Preschool and elementary age children are welcomed into the worship service with their parents for the first portion of the service. Prior to the sermon, they are invited to classes tailored to their ages.

How do I register my child? When you arrive at the lobby of William B. Gibbs Elementary School, you will notice a welcome table and people to greet you.  Please fill out a registration card for your child at the welcome table.  This card will contain your child's name, age, allergies, and your cell phone number.  Simply place your phone on vibrate during the service and our staff will contact you if necessary. 

What safety measures are in place? All Covenant Kids teachers are members of Christ Presbyterian Church.  All staff and teachers working in Covenant Kids have been screened with a background check.

What curriculum do you use? We use the Show Me Jesus curriculum published by Great Commission Publications.

For more information, please ask at the welcome table on Sunday morning.