CPC Vision and Values: The Core Value of People (Luke 15:1-7)
We’re in the midst of a sermon series on CPC’s vision and values. The vision was crafted by our elder board in the fall and proffered to our deacons, committee members, and staff on December 2. The vision isn’t set in stone but rather something the elders are seeking to refine as they ask the Lord for wisdom and dialogue with the congregation.
Our third core value is people. This value is expressed when we love the fellow Christians of our church. This value is also expressed when we invite the spiritually lost into our community. In regards to the parable of the lost sheep, it was said by Charles Spurgeon, “Leaving the ninety-nine for the one makes no sense, unless you’re the one.” In other words, we should all remember what it was like to be apart from Christ, without hope and without God in the world. Our compassion should flow towards the spiritually lost. Tim Keller has said, “Christian communicators must show that we remember (or at least understand) very well what it is like not to believe.”
Our culture exerts heavy pressure upon us to radically prioritize our faith. Yet, many of our neighbors are spiritually seeking. They’re open to invitations to community groups. They sense their need for prayer, truth, and community.
The Gospel empowers us to love the spiritually lost. Even if people rebuff our invitations or scorn our participation in ‘organized religion’ we know we’re approved and honored by the King of glory.