The Word of God Genesis 1:1-13

The Bible opens with the magisterial declaration that it pleased the Triune God “to create—or make out of nothing—the world and everything in it, whether visible or invisible, in the space of six days, and all very good.”1. Our expanding universe, with all its enormity and complexity, is not the product of blind, random, and accidental forces but the purposed creation of an infinitely wise and powerful Being. 

In the creation account which spans from 1:1-2:3, God’s powerful creative word is at the forefront. Ten times we’re told that, “God said.” We see in Genesis and Exodus, through this same powerful word, God will seek to redeem the world by calling Abram (12:1-3) and speak ten words of divine law to establish His people (Exodus 12). Finally, one commentator notes, “In the fullness of time the Word of God will become incarnate in Jesus. Christ was the Word of God, the perfect revelation of God, and he spoke the word of God in order to establish God’s kingdom on earth.” 2 

We understand from Genesis 1 that our lives are not our own. God deserves centerstage in our hearts and minds. Indeed, Jesus declared, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me” (Matthew 28:18). The travesty of our time is that so few honor their Creator. We view ourselves as upright; we are industrious employees, faithful spouses, and conscientious parents. All the while, we foolishly overlook our indifference to the One who deserves our honor, thanks, and love. 

Let us not be deceived. A lifetime spent indifferent to God, however decent and respectable it may seem to our peers, will warrant God’s righteous wrath. Let us not neglect the salvation declared and offered by the Word of God. Let us be diligent to acknowledge Him in all things. 


The Image of God Genesis 1:14-31


A Royal Priesthood Declaring the Excellencies of God 1 Peter 2:4-10