The God Who Sees - Genesis 16:1-16
Last week, we witnessed Abram and Sarai act in an unbelievably calloused, exploitative, and abusive way towards the young enslaved Egyptian woman named Hagar. Hagar is forced to flee for her life. As a young pregnant woman, she is forced into an extremely vulnerable position.
We then see God intervene to protect Hagar. He promises that her child will become a father to a multitude. He instructs Hagar to return to Sarai and Abram for physical safety; when Hagar returns, it’s clear that Abram’s heart has changed as he recognizes the son as his own and honors Hagar.
It’s interesting to note that God seeks out Hagar when there’s no indication that she was praying or seeking Him. (In fact, we can understand Hagar’s revulsion to seek the God of Abram and Sarai!) Hagar makes the wondrous confession, “You are the God who sees me.” God notices the oppressed. He sees their suffering and injustice and intervenes to deal with it.
Hagar also makes the interesting admission, “I have now seen the One who sees me.” Who is the mysterious “angel of the LORD” who speaks in first person, as if he is the LORD himself? It seems to indicate that this is God himself come in visible human form. It points to the ultimate example of God coming to earth in human form – Jesus Christ.
Jesus would reveal God’s heart for the oppressed by being weak and marginal and experiencing injustice like Hagar. Jesus would reveal God’s heart for the nations as His Spirit would empower the apostles to bring the glad tidings of Jesus’ resurrection to the ends of the earth.