Covenant Obedience - Genesis 17:1-27
We've seen in our study of Genesis that God graciously called Abram and Sarai to fulfill His purpose to bless the world. In chapter 12, God promises land, descendants, and blessing to all people. In chapter 15, God makes a covenant with Abram. God pledges to unconditionally fulfill His promises through Abram.
When we reach chapter 17, we see that Abram is called to respond to God's covenant promise and to 'walk before me, and be blameless.' Abram's obedience doesn't establish the covenant; rather, it is a result of God graciously calling Abram into it. This is an important pattern in scripture. For example, God graciously redeems Israel from Egypt. In response, the people are called to keep the law given at Mt. Sinai. God redeems us in Christ from sin and death. In response, we're called to love Him and our neighbor.
This begs the question, "How can God command covenant obedience from me, when I am so weak and sinful?" The answer is that when we repent and believe in Jesus Christ, He indwells us by His mighty Holy Spirit. The Spirit of Christ changes who we are, what we desire, and grants us the ability to obey. St. Augustine of Hippo said it well in his book, The Confessions (AD 387). He wrote, "O Lord, give me the ability to keep your commands, and then command whatever you will."