CPC Vision and Values: The Core Value of Renewal (Isaiah 1:12-20)
April 7, 2024- On April 7 I will begin a new sermon series on CPC’s vision and values. The vision was crafted by our elder board in the fall and proffered to our deacons, committee members, and staff on December 2. The vision isn’t set in stone but rather something the elders are seeking to refine as they ask the Lord for wisdom and dialogue with the congregation.
Our first core value is renewal. It is lifestyle of deepening repentance and faith. We begin the Christian life by repentance and faith in Christ alone. We grow in Christ-like character through continuing to acknowledge and turn from our sin and to freshly appropriate the cleansing power of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection.
Personally, I want to see renewal in my life through growth in faith. Our culture prizes skepticism and unbelief. But Biblically, unbelief is a failure to regard God as trustworthy. Joy and peace flow from faith; anxiety and shame flow from unbelief.
The Gospel frees us to be honest with ourselves, with God, and with others. It frees us to be honest about our unbelief, pride, and idolatry because we know that Christ has atoned for our guilt, imputed to us His righteousness, and is actively transforming us by His Spirit. Like a good physician, he isn’t repulsed by the sickness of our sin, but drawn to us in compassion.