The Center of the Scriptures (Psalm 119:18)

Several years ago, someone attempted to rob my car.  My car was parked on the street in front of our townhouse.  I was carrying boxes from the car into the house.  While I was inside the house, I left the car unlocked and the trunk open.  When I came out, I discovered that someone had rummaged through the glove box.

Now in my glove box is a small leather-bound Bible that looks like a wallet.  The would-be thief had opened the wallet looking for cash and credit cards, realized it was a book, and cast it aside.  The irony was that they found a priceless treasure, the Word of God, but didn’t recognize its worth! 

This Sunday, we’ll consider why the Bible is a priceless treasure from Psalm 119.  This sermon is part of a sermon series on our CPC’s vision and values.  This sermon will be a little unique; our third through fifth grade students will remain in the service and the sermon will accommodate them. 


Experiencing God through the Presence of the Holy Spirit (John 14:16-17)


A Vision for Generosity (Matthew 25:31-45)